Sunday, April 28, 2013

26 and Some Change

So we have made it to 26 weeks (yay!) and time is still steadily passing by; I have now spent two full weeks in the hospital and still manage to keep myself busy. Some days I think "ugh, six more weeks" and then I realize "omg, only 6 more weeks!" I feel like I have nothing prepared (probably because I don't) and June 8th feels like it is just around the corner. I understand there are limitations to how much prep work I can do stuck in a hospital bed, but that doesn't eliminate the desire to feel prepared. So I am letting the rest of my family take care of the baby room and I just keep reorganizing my list of baby gear and adding to my baby boards on pinterest. I actually found a cool website that lets you create a list/registry similar to pinterest ( so you don't have to make a list at several different stores/websites.

In other news, I failed my first glucose tolerance test (to check for gestational diabetes) which I never in a million years thought would happen. I have a diet that is pretty out there; no wheat(gluten), no corn, no soy, no legumes, no sugar, limited dairy, no food with crazy ingredients etc., and since I don't eat sugar I was so confident I would pass that I tried to get out the test completely (Orange dyed sugar water is not something I would willingly drink in a normal situation). The first time I tried to take the test they forgot to come and check my blood so I had to repeat it. There was no way I was drinking that much sugar twice in one day so I asked to do it the next day. Once they told me I failed I immediately tried searching online to find out why. Turns out a lot of people following a similar diet had the same result. Woman who ate terribly during their first pregnancy passed the test but with their second child while on a clean diet failed and had no idea why. The general consensus was that when sugar is eliminated from a diet your pancreas isn't use to processing large amounts of glucose anymore. So when you take the test, and ingest 50+ grams of glucose in 5 minutes, it may look like you have gestational diabetes (GD) but really its just something your body isn't used to having in your system. So the past few days I have been trying to eat as many carbs/starches as possible to re-acclimate my body to processing sugars so that I will pass the next test. I'm hoping it will do the trick because otherwise I will be put on a sugar-free diet (repetitive and redundant) and I will have to start checking my blood sugar 4+ times a day for no reason. My doctor was even shocked I failed after I told her about my diet/lifestyle and said I wasn't a usual candidate for GD; she said there were other tests we could try (like testing my blood sugar multiple times a day for a week) but this would be the fastest and most accurate. So for now I just have to suck it up, drink the suspicious orange sugar water and pray I pass.


  1. Only 6 more weeks!! We are praying for Milo and family as well as your next glucose test. DH & I eat a mostly Paleo (I eat Greek yogurt occasionally) too.

    1. Thanks! I ate paleo for a few months but have recently brought white rice back into my diet and haven't had any affects from it. It's also been very helpful during my hospital stay since I can find some gf products that just use rice flours. That way my husband isn't having to make every single snack from scratch.

  2. Yuk! The dreaded glucose test! Hope you pass it this time, and I agree with the concensus that women who adhere to a diet such as yours will almost assuredly "fail" the test, only b/c your pancreas isn't bombarded with "naughty" foods. (Sorry to share, I've passed all my tests every time, and I've never met a bag of chips I didn't like...)

    Continually praying for you guys, and marveling at how God is glorifying Himself through this whole process, and sweet Milo's life! Hugs & High Fives!!! karen

    1. haha I do love a good potato chip; I have found one brand that uses olive oil so I am still able to indulge here and there. Thanks for the continued prayers and support :)

  3. Did you take the test within a few days of steroid shots? I failed mine last pregnancy b/c they did it the day after my steroid shots at 27 weeks and then they were like oops, that will cause a false positive, you need to take it again. Second time was just fine.

    1. They considered that but I had my steroid shot over two weeks ago so they ruled that out :/

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