Friday, April 12, 2013

24 Weeks!!

We finally made it to this cruicial mile stone! Baby Selah is now considered viable and we got our first round of the steroids yesterday morning (which pretty much felt like getting punched in the arm repeatedly) and received the companion dose this morning after checking into the hospital. The staff is nice, the food seems better than anything I was expecting and I am praying to get our PS3 hooked up with netflix ASAP. We haven't paid for cable in forever, and I do not miss it. Everything is total garbage, and I have no patience for commercials lasting longer than 30 seconds. It has been nearly 7 weeks since my water broke and I feel like the time has just flown by; so I am really hoping these next 10 weeks will feel the same.
They are checking for signs of infection every 4 hours, and checking Selah's heart rate twice a day. Other than that I am on antibitics to keep infection away (and taking priobitics myself to help prevent my immune system from being completely destroyed). I am still drinking about a gallon of water a day and only leaving bed to pee. Even though I was on bed rest at home, I always got up to do a few things around the house. So I plan to be completely stir crazy by tomorrow. Regardless, I am so thrilled to be in the hospital and so comforted by the feeling of progress. Every day that passes gives us strength and courage and I just praise God that we have made it this far.  We never expected to make it through that first weekend and here we are weeks later full of hope and complete faith and trust in God to see us through.

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