Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bassinet :)

Milo moved out of his isolette on Wednesday an has been doing great. He  finally was able to tolerate the lowest flow setting on his oxygen, they will keep him at his current settings for awhile and then see how he does without it completely. He has been doing well eating from a bottle and takes an average of 20ml (out of 37) his highest was 29. He is starting to fully wake up for each care session and has been "looking" for his food source. He has moved up to trying twice a day to try and build up his endurance. He is now up to 4lbs 6oz and continues to look better and better! He is 37 weeks adjusted today (just 3 more until his due date) and with him so close to comin off oxygen his only big hurdle will be getting all his food without the tube :) the end is in sight and we are eagerly getting ready for him to come home! 

Good bye old bed!!

Hello bassinet!!


  1. Yay! So glad he's doing so well and you can see home in the fairly near future. Hang in there. You're all doing great. edelweiss

  2. thanks for updating-- milo is SO handsome, and it sounds like everything is getting better and better for your little miracle baby. i'll keep holding you all in prayer! -a tcoyf momma
